Thursday, September 25, 2014

Uninsured/ Under Insured Motorist Coverage

I have seen quite a few policies that have a high limit of liability 250/500/50 and yet have minimum coverage on their uninsured motorist (UM) coverage such as 15/30/5. When I ask them why, I usually get the same response. "I'm not paying for some uninsured person". In reality that coverage does not cover the uninsured person, it covers YOU in case he is Uninsured or Underinsured. You should always match you UM coverage to your liability as this coverage protects you. Here is a scenario. I'm at a red light and get rear ended by a uninsured driver. Normally if  he is not insured he will have nothing to go after legally so where would I turn. I would go to my own policy under uninsured motorist coverage. If he had some coverage but not enough I would go through underinsured coverage. Any questions feel free to call us at 732 679 8545. Thank you for reading our Blog

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

PIP is the medical portion of your auto policy. You may be able to save money by choosing your Health Insurance to be primary, however you must be careful and make sure they will accept being primary and you also may have to notify them first. Remember to speak to your agent or broker and your health provider before changing these options.